Sunday, October 11, 2009

Causes And Remedies Of It

There are power houses to generate electricity. The full capacity of unit is never utilized. Sometimes there are break-downs and the unit can’t work. Sometimes the inferior quality of coal generates a low amount of electricity. It is also alleged that there is sabotage by discontented workers. These workers and even officers are alleged not to do their duty honestly. All these hamper production of electricity. More power stations are also needed to meet the growing demand of electricity. It is the duty of Govt. to remove the causes of low generation of electricity and see that the legitimate demands of the workers are met so that they are encourage to work honestly to help generate more electricity.
Besides sufficient generation of electricity will not do away with load-shedding if the transmission network is not upgraded and improved to carry and distribute the electricity generated. So the generation of electricity and the distribution system claim equal importance and attention.

Effects Of Load-shedding

Now-a-days we are all familiar with the expression “Load Shedding”. Even a child cries out when the light is off. This load-shedding is caused by the low generation of electricity. Here “load” means the amount of current supplied by a dynamo or generating station at any given time. “Shedding” means reducing the load or amount of electricity. So load-shedding means that the supply of electric current has been reduced. As a result the supply is cut off in some areas and there is load-shedding.
Load-shedding causes a great loss, discomfort and inconvenience. The production of our mills and factories and small scale industries suffers much. Agriculture is also affected and pumps can’t work to supply water from the rivers, canals, ponds etc. to irrigate agricultural land. Office work suffers much as lights and fans are off. Electric trains, electric can’t run for want of electric current. Thus load-shedding causes great loss to the country. Domestic life is also affected to a great extent due to load-shedding. We can feel it keenly. Students suffer most as it hamper their studies especially during their exam time. People are put into great inconvenience when pumps can’t work. Thus we see that load-shedding causes a great loss, inconvenience and discomfort to people as well as country.